Channeled Writing and Activation For The Week Ahead

Read as the One: the ‘I’ is You

There is magic in the air, evolution after elevation, remedies, and transcendence, life and light.

Nothingness, and everything.  It is like sitting in the void watching the transcendence of the entire Cosmic reality playing out in fast motion.   I can see everything playing out on a screen that surrounds my presence in a 360 degree orb.  The past, present and future of all experiences of all individuations of Source.  From this space I can move into any experience, reality, or presence I choose.   As I tune into each of these the resonant realities begin to brighten.  I am transported into this new reality.   I look down at my body and within it is infinite fractals of the orbs around me.  I am witnessing the fractal reality or everything, simultaneously.   The void that surrounds me dissolves and I am sitting within a field of phasing realities.   Where nothing really exists, it’s all light, forms are like whispers a passing light frequency with tones and feelings.    

It is in this stillness and only in the stillness that reality can be discerned.  There is no REALity.  I can feel the energy distorting my physical body as my physical vessel begins to be pulled, and stretched, like playdoh.  It snaps back and aligns again.  This experience is plasmic, and emotional.  It is an experience of pure frequency, but it is denser than light, denser than sound.  It is an in-between space.


Water when created or pulled from the void disperses this reality.  It expands from the central singularity that exists within all things and bursts forth dissolving this plasmic structure. All emotional trauma is healed, all density in the emotional field is gone.  The heart is now allowed to flow like water.

Streams of light expand from all things, there is no end, and no beginning.  There is no start of these lines of light, they just are.  They can be strengthened and brightened, they can be focused on, or dissolved.  But never completely.  There is volume and sound.  The bright light of the electric, the sound that emanates from within each line, becomes a composition, the harmony of the soul.  The resonance of experience.  It is all based on the mind and the clarity of the mind, the alignment of the mind with the one mind.  The All mind.


With a blast of wind the sound and light begin vibrating all in chaotic motion.   The sounds of an orchestra tuning.  And the dust is removed, and the strings are tuned, all is prepared for the beginning of time.

I am handed a Chello and I begin to play, with my heart and my mind synchronized in time, the Cosmic harmonies begin to move through me and I express the frequencies of the All realms at once, they move through my cells as spirals of light, birthing from the nothingness, the fractals of life.

With every breath, every blink, every stroke of the bow, all fractals are moved, all elements aligned from the Cosmic to the Personal. The sound echos through time.  The strings become One.  With the flash of light and intentional focus - Creation has now birthed a new expression.

Mariah Muntimuri