What Is The Inversion, How Was It Formed, and How To Fully Heal the Universal, and Individual Darkness.
What Is The Inversion, How Was It Formed, and How To Fully Heal the Universal, and Individual Darkness.
Last week I was called to see a powerful Lightworker here in Denver. I wasn’t sure what it was that I couldn’t see, but I knew I needed to see something I couldn’t access alone. Although, I have been aware of the energy I confronted in the session, I was not truly conscious of its power or how I could help to clear it until I experienced it.
It was really important for me to have another Lightworker, my team of Archangels, Angels and a few hundred Plieadian Warriors with me.
The reality is that I cannot express in words my experience as it was visceral and truly terrifying. This is not to scare individuals, but to bring awareness to this force. We can and will soon be clearing this, as this clears more and more light will saturate the planet and more individuals will be able to expand into Cosmic Consciousness, and Source resonance.
The Journey:
I found myself standing on the beach barefoot, my toes wiggling and the sand moving through them. As I looked at my feet, I realized, I was a child. The sky was dark, a purplish pink, and although it felt like Earth, I was not sure that is where I was, I was alone and vulnerable, but more so just confused on why I was there.
I began walking and as I was walking I shapeshifted into a Light Warrior. I was a very tall man, and dressed in all white armor. As I continued walking I heard chanting off in the distance, and saw hundreds of other beings that were dressed just like me. I walked up to them, they were holding weapons and flags and were all focused on one Man standing on a mountain top speaking to the entire group. They were preparing for battle.
As the man stopped speaking we all began marching towards an open field (the battleground), my perspective shifted and I elevated into a birds eye view and could see the entire battle. There was darkness on the horizon, it was coming from a red anomaly in the atmosphere. This darkness showed a stark contrast between the darkness and the light warriors.
I then found myself back right in the center of the group of warriors. As we approached this darkness we were shielded by a white light that surrounded the entire collective.
As we came closer to this darkness, it appeared as a wave of black, it appeared to be a tar-like substance. Together we held the light and began to push it back with the light slowly dissolving it.
In my physical body and reality tears began streaming from my eyes, and my body began shaking, I began going into shock. The only word I could find to explain this was consume, it was consuming everything in its path. We all tried to push against this force to dissolve it for only a few moments longer and when we realized we could not do anything to affect it quickly enough, due to my physical state (in real life), the group elevated above the darkness.
From this perspective we were able to perceive the darkness from a different angle, and saw it begin to be absorbed by the planet. The red in the atmosphere began to fade and we moved back down to the planet and I began to walk back to the beach where I first arrived.
I met with the child I arrived as/with and we held hands and went back to the airship.
The rest of the session I was able to confirm and re-experience my birth from Source as a Gold Ray Seraphim Dragon, my connection to the Archangels, Elohim, and Tiamat. My Soul journey through the Cosmos has been confirmed and I have been able to elevate to a new awareness and realization of billions of years of experience.
The Darkness:
Some call this the Lurker and the sub quantum anomaly.
This is the magnetic/energetic pull towards the Inversion, it is a conglomerate of Source Void energy. Earth seems to be the last planet that has not fully cleared this Lurker energy. There are immense fleets, and support for the planet right now, including many volunteers, as the Earth herself needs us to pull in higher frequency energies to help her clear this and be fully liberated.
The primary anomaly/wall in time/black hole (it is all the same thing) that I have discussed before was not an organic Source creation. It emerged and was formed due to critical tension between Source and the subquantum anomaly.
When Source became aware of the primary anomaly/inverted universe, it decided to project a part of itself into that anomaly in order to understand and resolve it, and that projected part of Source became trapped in subquantum anomaly and became the first, primordial Lurker, with more to follow in subsequent cosmic cycles.
This is the inversion.
A part of Source turned against itself and thus duality was born. The primary Lurker was so strong that it hijacked the antahkarana, through all densities to some degree. Even ascended beings lack and have lacked significant insight into what is really going on in this anomalous Universe.
In prior cosmic cycles some entities, that were not evolved and not ascending, wanted to survive the collapse into the singularity, these beings forcefully projected their consciousness into the sub quantum anomaly. Through this traumatic experience they lost their individuality and merged with the Lurker. One survives the collapse into the singularity through the Ascension process.
The Lurker is the absolute Inversion of God/Source as it was literally born from Source losing itself within the sub quantum anomaly. The 3D matrix desires such as greed, lust, power, control, selfishness, will all draw in this darkness. The dark energy is also a foothold for dark entities and attachments. The inversion, like all things, is not just ‘out there’ but within also.
As it is entangled with all individuals it will feel like a natural pull, this is why I was shown OPL Quantum Healing and the Ascension process as this helps to slowly detangle the anomalous energy from within the individual field, through the use of sacred geometry.
Healing The Darkness:
You can perceive this like a planetary exorcism. The darkness was quantumly and subquantumly entangled with human personalities until very recently, this darkness is finally beginning to leave. It is said that an average human is 90% infected, and an average light workers is 80% infected. As this percentage of infection begins to drop, individuals will find it easier and easier to align with light and will tend to start feeling better. Plieadian beings will be helping humanity to clear this darkness that is entangled within their cellular structure. The most intense phase of this will begin in August, moving into October. This will be a time of deep inner work, and a time to strengthen your connection to the light.
As this process continues it will begin to be easier and easier for individuals to connect to the Galactic Sea Of Love. Solar Plasma is still under control of the Lurker, but the alignment phase of the heliopause has already begun. Many star races are sending rays of light into the solar system to help untangle it from the Lurker.
As I have spent the last 5 years finding solutions to align with True Source through OPL Quantum Healing, I have been initiated into being able to work with The Diamond Ray, the highest frequency Ray and most resonant to pure Source energy that we can now access on the planet. I have been asked to utilize this energy to help begin the disentangling process for individuals. There are a few processes and techniques to clear the sub quantum anomaly and the Lurker. The first is through threading Diamond Light throughout the physical vessel, gently and slowly unlocking the darkness and then pushing it out of the body. The second is through ‘empty space’ and the Aura, in these situations The Diamond Flame is required to fully transmute this energy. Both of these processes have to be utilized simultaneously to clear and transmute. They also require consistency and a slow steady process every day until fully cleared. None of these processes should be used alone, and support should always be called in. The darkness, or Lurker energy should not be confronted, or moved into, it should not be fought, or accessed. Inner light, as well as Archangels, and Guides should be shoulder to shoulder with those doing any clearing work.
Anyone working with 8D embodiment, or able to access The Diamond Ray, can transmit healing energy to others.
Saint Germain is in charge of the disentanglement of the sub quantum anomaly on all of the surface population. Light Warriors including Pleiadian, Sirian, Andromedan, and Arcturian are now also under Saint Germain command regarding these planetary operations.
OPL Quantum Healing, as it utilizes sacred geometry, sound, crystals, and Archangelic Healing will help with the quantum and sub quantum clearing of the darkness at an individual level. Doing weekly healing sessions will greatly support this process. These are all included in The Enzo Academy.
These sessions will influence the atomic and celllular entanglement allowing for the body to release and heal all darkness as well as any blocks and distortions held within the personal mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual fields. Session work should be done regularly and responsibly, as one should take initiative to see that they are attaining self mastery, purity of intention, purity within life and living, and honoring the processes. The meditations in The Enzo Academy help to stabilize the untangling process and align with True Source.
The 7th Ray, Violet Flame, Invoked by Saint Germain will also support this clearing and can be utilized at any time by any one.
I will be recording a Healing Session with the Processes utilizing Diamond Fire and Diamond Light to help individuals begin to disentangle from the darkness. This should be out within the coming few weeks.
When it is I will post a link in this article.
There will be no charge for this healing.